
and a year passes by...

officially then, i am horrid at communication. here i am, alive and well (ahem?) and trying desperately to find lovely tulips online for bulk delivery. nothing like a little procrastination to spur the creative juices of blogging. in fact, i believe that i started blogging in order to avoid studying in grad school. lol.

yesterday i got a nice 9-miler in with gorgeous sunny skies, low humidity-felt like seattle in summer. a perfect day for a run and i was pleased with my time. i averaged 7:30 miles without being tired or sore at the end (prob should have gone a bit harder, eh? yea, i don't know either.) and i only suffered one major meltdown (double blisters on both of my arches and this damn muscle cramp that would NOT go away). but in the end, i only walked for 3 minutes altogether and this factored into my average time. good deal!

ANYWAY, the real point is to show off one of our little puppies. mini dachshunds that we will get to pick up after thanksgiving. eeeiiii! brother (ludwig) and sister (hedwig) both black and tans.

yes, i will try to provide some info/links regarding upcoming party. i am getting so excited now! gabe is a very good bride and did all of the invitations (and i do mean every aspect of them) while i was gone in denver-all i had to do was stamp them! lovely boy... we even managed to get registed at belk and jcpenney since his folk want to have a shower. fortunately, we will both be going to the shower so at least i will know someone there! the most exciting part for me is that my dress came in and i was scared it was going to be hideous, but, viola, it is perfect. thank goodness! so now i am not worried about too much because we are going to have fun no matter what happens. even if the place burns to the ground or the food is awful, we are never off course for long in the french quarter!

here is the skeleton for the evening in case i put the wrong addresses on the list or you lost your invitation already or i forgot to mail your invitation and you want to come anyway :D

13 January 2007

St. Louis Hotel Courtyard
Rue Bienville, French Quarter (head down Bourbon from Canal and take a Right on Bieville)
New Orleans, Louisiana

1830 ceremony
1900 reception


that seems to be all the essentials with a bit of an idea as to what is going on in the city... hats are encouraged (any type will do) as i will be sporting a lovely 50's costume. we'll be staying in the quarter at least friday and saturday nights and perhaps thursday as well? not sure yet. gabe and i are leaving sunday morning for hawaii and monday is MLK day for those wanting a long weekend away (and an extra day to recover).

we carved pumpkins on sunday and i took gabe to his first oktoberfest. i think both activities were a blast and i must say that gabe's dancing is really coming along... esp when drunk... esp with oom-pah bands...


and yes, we will be in seattle for thanksgiving, but unfortunately we will be leaving before the seattle marathon. that was definitely a short-sighted plan on my part. next year!


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