

it goes without saying that lots of very small, very exciting things add up to very great returns rather quickly! i can see that i have not updated some lovely changes...

i bought a miata! sold the truck in 2 days and found the perfect car to buy in the same number of days. contrary to popular belief, the trunk is pretty good on my wee sportscar. i got a lawn mower in it this weekend and i also managed to get a wheelbarrow home as well (not in the trunk though). and the convertible... ah, need i say more with weather that is mid-70's and full of sun? nah.

leadingly, this weekend was fab-u-lous so i started a (slightly larger than originally planned) project to make a patio off the front of the house so i can sit in both the front and the back... it started out being about 10 ft x 5 ft and has ended up closer to 22 ft x 10 ft. ummmmmm, yep. it is going to be great! hopefully i will finish it before i turn 25 :D .

my good friend cathy eloped a couple weeks ago to a courthouse in exotic gulfport (about 15 minutes away) so we had a bit of a girl's night out this weekend. it was great! we had so much fun just watching other people and i think it did us all a bit of good to get out and away from our yards for a little bit. :D haha-the gardening gurus!

i am also getting some of my house put very slowly together. the kitchen is practically done and now i have branched into the living room and the master bedroom. simultaneously. not such a good idea when you are as scattered as i am but c'est la vie. plus the garden. anyway, i estimate that in about a year i will be settled. :P in the meantime, i have good incense which is almost like being settled.

i am so excited for nick-o's wedding! i can't wait to see everyone! yay! it's so weird to be "homesick" for france and europe and all the awesome people. i think we need to have some type of reunion every year... or maybe someone could just get married every year. yea, maybe we should plan that out.

anyway. that is the bare essentials of what i know for right now... of course there are always lots of projects to dream about and books to read and paintings to be started and poems to be written... so you know that i am always having fun-i just hope everyone else is too!

hugs and kisses.m :D