
seeing red

it is a good thing that i donated blood last week when my iron count was amazing because after all these bloody noses, i don't know that i have any left! the funniest is when BOTH sides start at the same time. all i can do is roll my eyes and try not to laugh (increases the blood flow). fortunately my blood-clotting skills are superb :D

today was excellent. i woke up promptly at 4:30am because that is what time (in the central time zone) i wake up without an alarm clock. so i worked out because i really could not think of anything better and boy was it beautiful outside! i love the desert and you just cannot beat a sunrise... ahh. unfortunately, one of my hips has been having issues and of course today the other one literally almost went out. something odd with the joint i guess. which is too bad because i was psyched to go skiing tomorrow. i'll see in the morning but given the current condition, it may take a minor miracle. i also saw an ad for sky diving and i don't know why i didn't think about that earlier. i guess i'll put that on the list of to-do's for next time i come here :D

do you know who is cool? lionel richie. well, um, i don't actually know if he is cool in person and i don't actually know anything about him, but his music rocks. you know who is really cool is albert einstein. now HE is cool. and the beatles have a good song too- "penny lane". i threw a penny into a fountain today while i was listening to that song. it would have been rude not to i think. and yes, i realize that the song has nothing to do with pennies but it works for me :O

ah, yes, i figured out how to post pictures today. that was exciting since i don't really have storage space on the web and since this blog isn't really a website... but the program that blogger is associated with lets you do it for free so i was excited to try it out (duh, can you tell?!). but i want to figure out how to make them not be an in-line post. should be easy enough-just need to look at the html behind this thing... and change the colors... tomorrow kids. i need to sleep before i need some drugs for this hip (what, am i like 86 or something? dude.) and you can bet that i do not want to go cruising down the strip in my care bear jammy's (although they are too cute :D ).

night night!



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